22fda1de22 22 Jun 2017 ... Feeling blue? Strangely, it might mean that you're actually better at judging your performance—and reality in general—than when you're not.. Definition of realistically in the Definitions.net dictionary. ... Information and translations of realistically in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource .... If you've been to the Greenbrier, it's an eerie sensation to see a very specific place rendered so realistically and thrust into a very different context. The VergeOct .... How to use realistically in a sentence. Example sentences with the word realistically. realistically example sentences.. C1 in a way that seems as if it exists: He was made up very realistically to look like an old woman. Wise and sensible. an old/a wise head on young shoulders idiom. be a victory for common sense idiom.. English[edit]. Etymology[edit]. realistic + -ally. Adverb[edit]. realistically (comparative more realistically, superlative most realistically). In a realistic manner.. Definition of realistically in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is realistically? Meaning of realistically as a legal .... Define realistically. realistically synonyms, realistically pronunciation, realistically translation, English dictionary definition of realistically. adj. 1. Tending to or .... Other Words from realistic. realistically \ˌrē-ə-ˈli-sti-k(ə-)lē \ adverb. depicting a scene realistically approaching a problem realistically .... Definition of realistically - in a way that demonstrates a sensible and practical idea of what can be achieved or expected, in a way that is accurate and true t.. 31 Jul 2018 ... PDF | Some young children are able to create stunningly realistic drawings resembling those of adult artists. What perceptual abilities underlie .... interested in, concerned with, or based on what is real or practical: a realistic estimate of costs; a realistic planner. pertaining to, characterized by, or given to the representation in literature or art of things as they really are: a realistic novel.. realistically definition: Adverb (comparative more realistically, superlative most realistically) 1. In a realistic manner..... Realistically definition: You use realistically when you want to emphasize that what you are saying is true , even... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and .... dict.cc English-German Dictionary: Translation for realistically.. Synonyms of realistically: really, basically, in truth, if you are honest | Collins English Thesaurus.. Definition of realistically adverb in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, .... Sensible and reasonable:practical, sensible, rational... a. used for saying what is likely in a situation. Realistically, only around 20 people will attend these classes. Certain or likely to happen:certain, likely, probable.... Word family (noun) realism realist reality unreality realization (adjective) real unreal realistic ≠ unrealistic (verb) realize (adverb) real really realistically ≠ .... Realistically translated from English to Spanish including synonyms, definitions, and related words.